Friday, August 29, 2008

Registering Max for School

I know a lot of you will be surprised to see this post, knowing how pro-homeschooling Robert and I are, but after a lot of deliberation between the three of us, we decided that for now it's in Max's best interests to go to one of the local elementary schools.

Robert and I have a lot on our plates with getting our video production company going, and Max, after going back and forth on his own preferences, decided he wanted to try it for the year.

We went to the open house last night, and I'm absolutely delighted with our decision. The school was bright and cheery and very welcoming. I'd learned that the teacher to whom he'd assigned has been teaching K for four years and JUST got married this summer.

I hazarded to guess she'd have just about the perfect mind-set for teaching this year... all happy cause she just got married and just enough years of teaching kindergartners to be seasoned but not burnt-out... and when we met her, my guess proved even truer than I'd hoped.

Within a minute of meeting her, she just burst out with this exuberant laugh saying, "My whole goal for this year is to help these kids wake up every morning and be just as excited to go to school every morning as I am!"

And she did indeed seem VERY EXCITED! lol

Just perfect. : )

The school library was very sweet, every kid gets to go twice a week during the school day to work on their own Mac notebooks (nice!) and the librarian was very warm and knowledgeable.

The music room was SPECTACULAR! For class, each kid has their own synthesizers, and the words to the songs that were printed up on posterboards around the room made me very happy as they all centered around inclusiveness and celebration of self and others.

I really loved the little lunchroom, too. I do not know what it is, but the thought of all those little beings standing in line and getting their lunches served up by all the little lunch ladies just warms the cockles of my heart... they have a cute, little milk fridge the kids get their own milk from, and it's just so durn adorable!!!

One last gush of sugary sweetness, Max says he already loves Mrs. Natz because she's so pretty! lol lol lol

Lordy, let the fun begin.

P.S. Yes, Max's hair IS all fucked-up in the back... not through negligence on his parents' part, but again, I just find that SO FREAKING CUTE!!! There's something so absurd and heart-breaking that makes me well up with love for him when I see him like that... but don't worry... I will brush his hair from now on before school. : )

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