Saturday, February 16, 2008

More Effin' Snow

Okay... whose bright idea was it to leave Los Angeles just BEFORE winter to move to Wisconsin?

Oh. Yeah. That would be mine.

The bright side's that we were able to sell our house relatively quickly in the still-tanking L.A. market. The dark side's that we're supposed to get another 6-12 inches of snow tomorrow. A "wintry mix." (Sounds delicious, actually.... and that's another part of the dark side... my increased desire to eat everything under the sun. All of you beloveds out there know how much I enjoy my food in the first place. Remember when I was pregnant and put on a healthy 70 pounds because food tasted so flipping good to me? Well, we're sliding back down that slope, friends, and, damn, is it tasty! When you all come out to visit, we're going to Michael's Custard for a turtle sundae. It'll make you wonder if you should move here, too.)

But, I digress, back to the snow. Ladies and gentlemen, not only did we move to Wisconsin smack before winter, but we moved to Wisconsin smack before a RECORD-BREAKING winter. Last week we passed the record for Most. Snow. Ever. In the recorded history of the dairy wonderland. I've seen more accidents here in the past four months than I have the entire twelve years we lived in Los Angeles, and that's counting all those innumerable daily smash-ups on that interstate to hell known as the 405.

I even blew a kiss at death back in December when I hit a patch of ice and slid past a stalled oil-tanker truck by four inches. I'm sure I missed because I was leaning as far to the right as possible, as if that'd lend momentum to veering away from a flaming death.

Record-breaking snowfalls and brushes with fatality, notwithstanding, I'm really glad we moved. People are nicer. The air is cleaner. And I'm closer to family.

But I miss all of you very, very much. That's why I started this blog. To try to stay in touch and keep everyone posted on what's happening for us. If nothing else, it should be good for a couple of laughs from time to time.

Speaking of which, did I tell mention we're getting about a hundred chickens for slaughter this summer? Make the trek for a visit and I'll fry one of those bad boys up for you. Come on back, now, y'hear?

1 comment:

Our Mojo Rory said...

Accidents in the snow. I saw my first scooter accident last week. Nothing serious thank god. I am pretty sure it happened because both of the riders were looking at me. Funny how a tall, light brown hair woman stands out in Asia.

I am glad you have started your blog. Now when I miss you and it is the middle of the night there, but day here, I can connect with you.

Lots of love,