Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feelin' the Love

It's been a good week for Robert and me work-wise.

Last week we went to a business card exchange held by the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce where we met some very cool people. Never having been to one of these dealies before, we were a bit nervous, but everyone was so friendly that we were able to shed our shyness (okay everyone, stop laughing) and mingle.

As a matter of fact, Robert and I did so well, that today, he did a photography job for the Alliant Center, Madison's version of the Staples Center, and the Rotary Club here. The picture above is from that event. ( geez, the pictures on blogger come up so dark!)
And that went so well for him that a women he met at the job, who happens to be the president of the Madision Area Technical College, wants him to come in and interview to teach photography and videography there!

In addition to the promise of future work by some people we met there, Robert and I also made the acquaintance of this really nice woman named Amy who is total potential friend material. She lives two miles away from where we're going to be moving to, and she helps developmentally challenged adults find work in places that traditionally have not turned to that group of people for employment. She was beautifully sarcastic and she reads a ton, so I know it sounds like a stretch, but we just may be able to hit it off.

I myself did an industrial in Chicago on Monday. "I may not be a doctor, but I play one on TV."
Yup, just call me Dr. Douglas. I had to work with non-actors, real pharmaceutical reps. It was, if I may be candid, a long, painful day. But. Being employed trumps all, and I am grateful

While talking with the producer from the studio, I mentioned what a great response Robert and I have been getting since we moved here, both with my acting and with our freelance writing/photography/videography, and she immediately asked for my business card. She said her company was always looking for writers, AND her husband owns a small ad/marketing agency and was looking for some additional support.

So we're loving living here, and it looks like where we live is lovin' us! What a freakin' relief.

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