Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Beezenemeez and Ellie's Butt Corn

I may have mentioned once or twice before. I love food.

And one of the reasons I love Madison so much is the delectable variety of foods here. As a matter of fact, the title of this post are the names of two of our favorite restaurants, as interpreted by the three monkey butts we live with.

We were sitting around talking about what we wanted for dinner a few weeks back, and I asked Arianna what her vote was for the night. She said, "beezenemeez." 

Beezenemeez... hmmm.

"Arianna, can you describe beezenemeez for me?"

"Yeah! You get a big bowl of soup and you get noodles in it and you squeeze lime juice into it and you put bean sprouts in it and you put patis in it ( a type of fish sauce). Beezenemeez!"


Girl wanted some pho for dinner! Of course, now we say let's go to Beezenemeez because it rolls better off the tongue.

As does Ellie's Butt Corn. 

The name evolved naturally enough. We were on our way to our favorite restaurant to go to with the kids. It's a local place called Ella's Deli, the pictures above were taken there. As you can see, it's somewhat geared toward the kiddies. The giant, smiling banana that greets you at the door kind of tips their hand.

On the way there, the kids were chanting, "Ella's Deli, Ella's Deli" which morphed into "Ellie's Deli, Ellie's Deli" which slid into "Ellie's Bellies, Ellie's Bellies" which, naturally, at that point turned into "Ellie's Butt Corn, Ellie's Butt Corn."

Now I don't know about you, but butt corn makes me laugh. So now Ella's Deli has a new name in our house.

Something else that makes me laugh, but in a wary kind of I'm choosing to laugh at this shit instead of being deeply disturbed by this shit is this post by my favorite blogger at


it's the one with the title "CBH-- Live at the House of Blues" 

I'm pretty sure one of those hateful things grew up to be the Bee Boy at Ellie's Butt Corn pictured above.

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