Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Night Without McNulty

It's actually two, and I'm like one of the addicts on the show jonesing for more.

It's official. I'm hooked on The Wire.

Robert and I decided to forego getting satellite or cable out here and decided to go with Netflix so we watch what we actually really want to watch instead of remote surfing endlessly.

The Wire was one of the first shows we wanted to see because we'd heard so much about it... and we're really enjoying it.

My goodness, that Dominic West is some kind of HOT! I didn't used to think so, when I saw him in 28 Days and then that Julianne Moore movie that was so completely stupid and forgettable that I can't even remember the name of it, nor be bothered to look it up, he was just kind of scuzzy. But he's delicious in The Wire. Sigh. More McNulty tomorrow night.

Okay, back to reality... this is for Tobes especially since she asked for more frequent posts. : )

This week has been a lot of going to Chicago, which makes me feel slightly ill every time I get in the car what with the cost of gasoline. I want to take the train more often, but since time is so much of the essence for me, I've got to try to make my trips as quickly as I can. Thus the driving. Blech.

On the brighter side. At least I've got stuff to audition for... I just need to book one of these bad boys... gotta keep the insurance comin' in!

Our house is almost done. And I swear, when it is, I'm going to post a lovely video tour so everyone can see it. Robert's almost finished the floor trim and then we have to do the kitchen backsplash, and then we're finito!

Max spent his first night over at his cousins' home in Madison last night. Little booger. He is getting so dang big... As soon as I download the pictures from my phone I'll post some... he wants to grow his hair long like a girl's he says.

I told him to go for it. I warned him that some people might mistake him for a girl, and that a few ignorant people might even go so far as to make fun of him for it, and he was cool with that. I don't worry about him caring about what other people think. That kid's got a mind of his own and he is not afraid of letting everyone know how he feels... wonder where he got that from?

Robert just pulled into the garage with the monkeys, gonna jump before they start flinging poo. Love you guys!

1 comment:

Tia Tobi said...

SO funny that I was reminiscing about the "tobes" thing...come to see your post! I have been around a lot of little girls in my day and none, not a one, has ever gotten that quasi-posessed, determined, defiant, focused (did I say possessed?) look in their eye before they "fling their poo". I would heckle the fool that A)would make fun of Max and
B)would think that he gives a hoot!