Thursday, April 17, 2008

Odds and Ends, and Just Plain Odd

We met one of our neighbors today. His name is Goat and he has a hunting dog named Buford.

I shit you not.

The good thing about him is he's a very friendly fireman with the local department and he's offered to till our garden for us and help us put in our floors. The odd thing about him? His name is Goat and he has a hunting dog named Buford.

We put peas in at my parents' garden, so the great garden experience has begun. I've gotta sit down and plot out planting times and where to plant things. My parents have these little garden beds dotted all over their property, nice to have that space. Now we gotta make sure the damn rabbits don't reap what I've sown.

An end... got a letter from Epic Systems. May I say that they made a mistake of epic proportions (sorry, that was just irresistible for me) by not deigning to grant me even a first interview. Durn it.

Another odd... all of you weirdos out there who don't like posting on my blog! How is it that every single one of my friends doesn't like posting?! That's okay though, I really like all your e-mails and phone calls anyways. : ) Love you guys.

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