Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Shout-out to Collette!

Gotta give Collette mad props! 

Not only did she respond back, but she responded via tokbox, which rocks!!!

You can send video messages, and you can have video calls, and video conference calls, too!

I'm already on skype, but this program seems superior already. It's at www.tokbox.com. Go get hooked up!

Anyways, in the video message she sent (which I was so delighted to receive) Collette looks very, very happy, and the house they are living in overlooks this lovely, large, placid lake. She mentioned having tea over at the neighbor's house, so it sounds as if other people might be appreciating our Marquise as much as they should!

Thanks so much, Collette. Where's your blog? : )

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